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Mr. Werts

“Beauty products are very individual. It’s a very individual experience. So for instance, hair gel has to do with your hair type and what you want it to do. So I have very thick hair and I want it to stay in place in a very specific way that is counter to the way my hair wants to sit. My hair wants to fall down and they curl. So I want it to sit back so I grow my bangs out and so I need a gel that holds it back and they’re that long so the weight can hold them all the way back. So the products I’ve always used were horrible, nothing ever stayed. Gorilla Snot is the only gel that I’ve ever had that keeps my hair in place, and it’s because it’s specifically made for Mexicans, cause Mexicans have that thick, thick hair. So I was at Lewisville with my wife with her kids and they’re all Mexicans and one kid had this crazy, awesome hairstyle and I’m like ‘Man, I’m so jealous of you guys cause you get to keep your hair like that,’ and I’m like ‘How do you do that?’ And he’s like ‘It’s Gorilla Snot sir’ and he had like a little tube and he showed it to me.”

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