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Kevin Lu

“In college, I’m planning on studying entrepreneurship. I really want to be a social entrepreneur and create a company that will help serve and benefit society in some way, but to be honest, I’m not completely sure how. My university has so many different fields of study, ranging from cinematic arts to international relations, and I just want to find an industry that will allow me to create something so big and innovative and at the same time transform other people’s lives. It’s super ambitious and risky, but I am willing to put my heart and soul into my work no matter what comes my way. Working on Humans of Flower Mound has really allowed me to step out of my comfort zone, explore new mediums of creativity, and better understand the people around me. I remember freshman year at an assembly that there was a speech that urged all of us to leave our mark on the world, and that has always stuck with me. I hope that creating this organization is my legacy that I have left on Flower Mound High School. But most of all, I hope that I have inspired my peers to look towards the future and strive to become the best possible version of themselves.”

Signing off,

Kevin Lu, President (University of Southern California)

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